Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill Will Team Up Again on the Big Screen

No doubt, the perfect star duo, Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill, has turned out to be everyone’s favorite and fans want to see them together on screen again and again. After partying hard in the Oscar-nominated movie “The Wolf of Wall Street”, both actors are teaming up again to tell the tale of a wrongly blamed Atlanta Olympics bomber. According to latest media reports, 20th Century Fox has obtained the film rights to story “The Ballad of Richard Jewell” that was published in Vanity Fair in 1997 and was written by Marie Brenner. The story is based on a 34-years-old security guard Richard Jewell who first called in the explosive materials and was FBI’s prime suspect in the 1996 summer Olympics Park blasts.

Jonah Hill is being considered to play the role of Jewell, while DiCaprio will appear as a Southern lawyer who led the aspersed security guard by using his impressive skills and legal actions, which ultimately lead to the FBI vindicating Jewell from all charges in 3 months after the blasts.

As the story goes, Jewell found a doubtful knapsack abandoned in the Olympics complex in Atlanta in 1996, then instantly informed the police and struggled to save the possible victims by driving them away from the region. He was afterward considered major suspect as a number of media reports reviled him prior to all the facts were revealed. However, Jewell was cleared and passed away in 2007 at the age of 44.

The declaration of production of the film based on this true story is also very well-timed, just prior to the Winter Olympics in Sochi. It seems that there will likely be some hullabaloo when DiCaprio and Hill join the forces on this Olympic bombing biopic. Jonah Hill, Kevin Misher, DiCaprio and Jennifer Killoran are going to produce the new group effort with the help of Appian Way banner. The names of writer and director have not been confirmed yet.

It is not the first time that Marie Brenner’s story has been picked up for the movie. She has also written the source material in the Vanity Fair that was picked for the 1999 movie “The Insider”, starring Russell Crowe and Al Pacino and was directed by Michael Mann.

Jonah Hill rose to fame through comedic films, but now he has really proved himself as a great drama actor in the films like “Moneyball” and “The Wolf of Wall Street”. His upcoming film is “True Story” in which he is starring as a dishonored journalist Michael Finkel, opposite James Franco as an alleged murderer.

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