Thursday, February 20, 2014

Kate Mara, Jamie Bell, Michael B. Jordan and Miles Teller Will Team Up as Superheroes in Fantastic Four Reboot

After a last rework on the script and a quite a lengthy painstaking casting process, Fox seems to have come up with the perfect team of superheroes for its Mravel's “Fantastic Four” reboot. The potential cast includes “House of Cards” star Kate Mara as Sue Storm (also known as The Invisible Woman), “Project X” star Miles Teller as Reid Richards (also known as Mr. Fantastic), “Chronicle” star Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm (also known as The Human Torch), and “Jumper” star Jamie Bell as Ben Grimm (aka The Thing). The film will be directed by Josh Trank, who is well known for the Sci-Fi Thriller film Chronicle, while Kinberg, Matthew Vaughn and Gregory Goodman will be the producers.

Kate Mara is confirmed to play the Sue Storm, as she has currently signed the deal to play the role. While no official deal has been made so far, Bell is under consideration to be selected for the role of Ben Grimm/The Thing. Deal points with Miles for the role of Reid Richards are a bit more away from being done. According to a number of media sources, Jordan, Mara and Miles were included in the project for a long time while Jamie is the newest addition to the cast and no official deal has yet been completed with Jamie. Jordan earlier joined forces with Trank on Chronicle, and rose to fame for his outstanding performance in TV show “The Wire” and “Fruitvale Station”.

The film is based on the comic “The Ultimate Fantastic Four”. This is Fox’s 2nd round of producing another Fantastic Four franchise and we will see various changes in the reboot as compared to the previous version of Fantastic Four 2005 starring Ioan Gruffudd as Reed Richards, Jessica Alba as Sue Storm, Chris Evans as Johnny Storm, and Michael Chiklis as Ben Grimm. With the 4 main characters on board, Fox is now looking for a perfect actor who can live up to the role of film’s villain and has decided to carry out auditions of several actors in this regard.

Many fans and critics seem quite unhappy with cast of the film, as there is no A-lister in the cast. But, when it comes to a next generation first class actors, this seems pretty good cast. “The Fantastic Four” reboot is expected to release in June 19, 2015.

So, what do you think about the cast of upcoming Fantastic Four reboot?

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