Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Djimon Hounsou and “The Walking Dead” star Norman Reedus Will Play Lead Roles in Sci-Fi Thriller “Air”

Robert Kirkman has dominated comics and has rapidly gained great popularity over television with his Horror TV show The Walking Dead. Now he wants to prove his skills on big cinema. Kirkman is working on his next film project “Air”, a sci-fi thriller for which Norman Reedus, who played Daryl Dixon – one of the most admired and renowned actors on “The Walking Dead”, and Djimon Hounsou have been announced to play the lead characters.

Christian Cantamessa, who co-wrote and was main architect for games like Red Dead Redemption and GTA: San Andreas, has come up with the script with the help of Chris Pasetto and is determined for his feature directorial debut with an economical film. David Alpert, who is executive producer of The Walking Dead, and Brian Kavanaugh-Jones, who is known for producing the Insidious franchise, will also co-produce the project.

The story of the film revolves around 2 tutelary workers (Reedus, Hounsou) in an underground cryogenic facility after nuclear disaster makes the atmosphere hazardous. They look after the cryogenically quiescent staffs that are required to reinstate civilization, but they endeavor to protect their own sanity and lives while upholding the tremendously delicate milieu of the previous inhabitable place on earth.

Robert will be producing the film under his Skybound Entertainment flag that has turned out to be a multi-stage entertainment organization since due to the huge success of the Walking Dead. The organization is particularly known for producing comics It is currently producing a number of TV shows like NBC’s Clone and Outcast.

Air is the most important project for Reedus after Walking Dead made him very popular among comic fans around the world, while Hounsou is two-times academy award nominee and is known for his outstanding performance in a number of classic films like “Blood Diamond” opposite Leonardo DiCaprio, and “Gladiator” opposite Russell Crowe. Hounsou will appear in upcoming mega project film “Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Fast & Furious 7”.

Prior to being well acclaimed for The Walking Dead, Reedus was known for his outstanding performance in Troy Duffy’s box office hit film “The Boondock Saints” opposite Willem Dafoe.

So, what do you think about the cast and production of the film? Are you excited to see Reedus on big screen?

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