Monday, February 10, 2014

Idris Elba, Sam Worthington and Noomi Rapace Will Team Up in Film “Alive Alone”

Protagonist Pictures has declared that the three well-known and great actors Idris Elba, Sam Worthington and Noomi Rapace are teaming up in the upcoming New York-set thriller drama “Alive Alone”. Most of the movie will be shot in New York City and the filming will be started in March. Khurram Longi will direct his first film as a debut director. His extremely advertised script was included on the Black List in the America as well as the Brit List in the United Kingdom. The movie will be produced by Basil Iwanyk (who is known for Thunder Road) along with actress Noomi working as an executive producer. The film will be financed by Benaroya Pictures.

According to the script, Elba will play the role of Jamal, an ex-prisoner of Guantanamo Bay making his both ends meet as a taxi driver, while Noomi will play the role of Sarah, a prostitute on the run from a ruthless crime lord. When they meet with each other and gradually develop an inexplicable relationship, they surprisingly find each other as a means of getting rid of their own pain. It is a bit surprise for the fans that Worthington, who rose to fame from the epic films like “Avatar”, “Clash of the Titans” and “Terminator Salvation” and is known for heroic roles, will be playing the crime leader Murphy.

The movie story seems familiar and quite indistinct but the brilliant cast together with the Black List script show that the film will be admired by the fans and will likely be the success at the box office. Idris Elba and Sam Worthington are taking quite unusual roles as compared to the big roles in their previous films. It is nice to see both stars taking a break from the big screens in order to do low budget independent projects like this.

Noomi Rapace rose to fame owing to her outstanding performance in the Ridley Scott’s film Prometheus. Before that, she appeared as a great actress in the film “The Girl with Dragon Tattoo”. She recently appeared in the film “Dead Man Down” opposite Colin Farrell. She is currently working on two film projects “The Drop” and “Child 44”.

It has not been confirmed yet when the project will begin; however, Protagonist is recently advertising the movie in Berlin.

So, what are your views about Alive Alone and its selected cast?

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