Friday, January 3, 2014

Vin Diesel Starts New Year by Paying Tribute to His Friend Late Paul Walker

Not everyone is celebrating New Year with lots of fun and ambitions. For many people, New Year is a reminder of what they have lost and what they achieved all through previous year. For Fast & Furious star Vin Diesel, 2014 came as a reminder of what he lost in 2013, and surely we all know about that. He honored his co-star and best friend late Paul Walker on his Facebook, posting a charming picture of him and his buddy having a “child-like laughter” (as he wrote) and Walker's face is just lively, while on a press expedition for their upcoming film Fast & Furious 7. He still seems quite emotional!

"There was always moments of child-like laughter...We had accomplished so much by 2013...P.s. The complexities of Brotherhood, and the painful void... of it's absence," he wrote.

Since Walker passed away in a fatal accident in Los Angeles suburb of Santa Clarita in late November, Diesel has shared many memorable pictures and genial words about the demise of one of his best friends. Before sharing the latest picture, he had announced the release date of upcoming franchise film. Not only Vin Diesel, but the whole cast and crew of Fast & Furious franchise is left devastated after sudden demise of Walker. They often share the pictures of Walker and pay tribute through social media.

There was much gossip with regard to whether Walker would appear in the film or not, but Universal Pictures has since announced that he would definitely appear in the movie parts that have been filmed before his death.

We can say that Diesel and Paul were much close to each other, like brothers, than all other co-stars of "F&F" franchise. Diesel had visited the crash site and made an unprepared speech speaking to the crowd of Paul’s fans, friends and family members who had gathered there to pay tribute to the beloved actor.

"If he could see for himself that all of you have shown up to show my brother love... at this hard time his family gets to see all of you show the love that you've shown Paul. I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for coming down here and showing that angel up in heaven how much you appreciate him", Diesel said.

Paul passed away at the age of 40 from extreme thermal injuries. His friend, Roger Rodas, was driving Porsche Carrera GT, lost control and crashed it into a tree by the roadside. Paul's body was given to his family previous month.

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