Monday, January 20, 2014

'Gravity' and '12 Years a Slave' both got Best Picture Award at Producers Guild of America

The drama has been instilled into the contest for Oscars on Sunday, as the 2 films Alfonso Cuarón’s "Gravity" (starring George Clooney and Sandra Bullock) and Steve McQueen’s "12 Years a Slave" (Starring Brad Pitt and Chiwetel Ejiofor) has been selected as the best films of the year, which is the first time that the Producers Guild of America (PGA) has stated a tie between two best films in the twenty-five years of long history of its awards. The PGA has appropriately selected the ultimate Academy Award winner for best film for the previous 6 years, counting Ben Affleck’s drama "Argo" last year.

On the other hand, the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) has selected the David O. Russell’s "American Hustle" for the best movie ensemble cast. However, SAG has a miscellaneous record on vague advance indications of the Oscar’s top film with its ensemble cast award, rightly foretelling the Academy Award in 6 of the previous 10 years.

The British director and producer Steve McQueen, while receiving the PGA award together with co-producer and actor Brad Pitt, stated a concern that could cause difficulties in the movie's Oscar potential.

"When the film first came out in Toronto, some people were saying that this was a brutal film, that no one would go to see it. Box office here in the United States and in the U.K. has proven differently", He said.

The other nominees for the Best Film at Producers Guild of America were David O. Russell’s American Hustle, Woody Allen’s Blue Jasmine, Paul Greengrass’ Captain Phillips, Jean-Marc Vallée’s Dallas Buyers Club, Spike Jonze’s Her, Alexander Payne’s Nebraska, John Lee Hancock’s Saving Mr. Banks, and Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street. Disney’s animated film “Frozen” was chosen as the Best Animated movie of the year, while TV drama Breaking Bad continued its awards-season winning spree with the award for the most outstanding TV series of the year. ABC's Modern Family turned out to be the best comedy TV show at PGA awards.

However, after a very interesting week of awards, the Oscars are developing to be a 3-way competition between the movies including "American Hustle" (with its convincing performance), "Gravity" (with its technical creativity) and "12 Years a Slave" (with its atrocious portrayal of pre-Civil War slavery in the US). Gravity is leading the nominations with ten nods a piece, while 12 Years a slave possesses 9.

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