Monday, March 17, 2014

Chris Brown to Stay in Jail as per Court Orders

On Monday, American recording artist and dancer Chris Brown, who also happens to be an actor, was ordered to stay in prison until a court proceeding in late April for the reason that he has problems in a court-assigned rehab program.

Superior Court Judge James R. Brandlin told that he was discommoded by remarks that the 24-year-old artist made during his rehab. He further elaborated he was confident that the singer was problem, as he had boasted in rehab about being fine with 'weapons'.

As per the report, Chris got a reflection card that cited ‘doing extremely well’ and being superior at some skills. While showing his card, Chris decided to include his own words to the card, expressing that, “I am good at using guns and knives.”

Prior to the hearing, Chris was detained in the Men's Central Jail of the city since March 14, when officers took him into custody at a Malibu rehab for breaking the laws in Rehab institute. According to a report issued by the rehab facility, Chris frequently behaved offensively and violated rules– firstly taking no notice of a request for a drug test, standing so near to a female client that their elbows and hands made physical contact, and making fun of the program during a "morning reflections" gathering on Friday.

Another patron inquired if he was really concerned about this objective, Brown replied ‘certainly’, while shaking his head “No”. The executive director said that the singer, after being dealt for more than three months, was being released from obligations "for violating regulations and not showing concern about points mentioned on his signed behavioral agreement."

Chris was under a particular order to keep himself no less than 2 feet away from females at the facility because of his 2009 assault on his then-girlfriend pop star Rihanna hours prior to the Grammy Awards. He was primarily sentenced to trial, but, after his connection in a brawl in 2013, he was accused for criminal assault and sentenced in LA to 90 days of inmate rehab. The case is projected for trial this month.

His rehab duration was extended to 60 more days on February 28, after seeing a report that showed Brown was only lately getting somewhere and turning out to be less impetuous, and the court must be cautious of freeing him too shortly.

What are your views about this entire Brown dilemma?

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