Saturday, April 12, 2014

Check out Latest Stills from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Caesar Holding a Shotgun

Fans are eagerly waiting to see the war between humanity and apes. Speculation and anticipation has already increased after seeing the trailer and having sneaked peek into the latest pictures from the upcoming film “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes”. The trailer and posters indicate that humanity is on the losing side. We see that an extensive plague has obliterated a huge amount of earth’s population, deserting a wretched group of survivors, who are struggling to make a new human world in San Francisco. But to do so, they have to make peace with the new dominant specie of Earth, an army of mentallY superior apes who are lead by Caesar. Take a look at his picture in all his magnificence up top.

In the first film, fans had already got hint of the sequel of the story of Caesar. And some latest stills have arrived from the fast approaching Apes film. These chosen pictures show us both sides of this war, from the humans--played by Keri Russell (Mission: Impossible III, Dark Skies), Jason Clarke (Zero Dark Thirty, The Great Gatsby), and Kodi Smit-McPhee (The Road, Let Me In)--and the apes, played through motion-capture by Andy Serkis, Toby Kebbell (Prince of PERsia, Wrath of the Titans) and Judy Greer (What Women Want, Three Kings). See the exciting photo of Caesar holding a shotgun and leading the apes.

Director Matt Reeves (known for Sci-fi film CloVerfield) talked openly about how this sequel will play a key part for the better story of the franchise.
"We've got apes on horses", He said. "There is a sense in the beginning of the movie that apes have inherited the Earth."

He further elaborated that the survivors live at a dangerous moment in the earth's history. Both races, apes AND humans, struggle to survive against each other. Both want complete domination. But the real question that comes to mind at this level is: can they co-exist?

Well, we can only find the answer to this question by watching the film. Such speculations make this film more fascinating. So, are you waiting to watch what happens next?

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